Basic Data Capture

Use the textbox to capture alphanumeric data.
Toggle to switch mult-line input on/off. Use when text input needs to span multiple lines
Min Length
Minimum number of characters required to be valid
Max Length
Maximum number of characters allowed

Used when you just require numeric input. Forces the device keyboard to only show the numeric input pad.
Min Number
Minimum value allowed to be valid
Max Number
Maximum value allow to be valid
Number Type
The type of number input required. Options are:-
Whole Number 2 Decimal Places 2+ Decimal Places |
Used when you want to capture a date.
Min Date
Earliest date allowed for the input to be valid
Max Date
Latest date allowed for the input to be valid

Used when you simply want to capture a time of the day.
Min Time
Earliest time allowed for the input to be valid
Max Time
Latest time allowed for the input to be valid
Dropdown List

Use a dropdown list when you have a pre-defined set of options. The dropdown list only allows one option to be selected.
List of entries that can be chosen from the list. Each entry is separated by a carriage return.

This is a special type of drop down list that allows the user to select any number of options from the list as opposed to just one. If the user does select more than one response, each value is returned as part of a comma separated list
List of entries that can be chosen from the list. Each entry is separated by a carriage return.
Check Box

You can think of a check box just like a tick box on a paper form.
Radio Button List

Can be used as an alternative to the drop down list and is more suited when you have fewer options to choose from. Note that only one entry in a radio button list can be selected and there must be a default option specified.
List of entries that can be chosen from the list. Each entry is separated by a carriage return.

The timestamp control shows as a simple button on your form, which when pressed by the user records the date and time at that particular moment. Once pressed, the value cannot be changed by the user. Think of this in much the same way as the old 'clock-in' machines that were used in factories.

The segment control provides a more visually appealing method to capture a response when you need a single response from a small list of options. For example you may ask the question:- 'Was the customer happy with this visit?, to which the responses may be 'Yes', 'No'. The control can display the possible responses as either text or an icon e.g. a smiley face or a sad face.
To find more about the segment control, click here.
To find more about the segment control, click here.
Data Link Drop Down List

This is a special control that allows a selection from one list to affect the data visible in the next list. For example, choose a product category from the first list and then the next dropdown will display the list of products within the selected product category. The list is 'driven' using a csv file which needs to uploaded first.
Data File
The name of the uploaded file containing the data for the data link drop down
Data Parent
If this is not the root or parent list, then is used to denote which parent list should drive the data within this list
Data Field
Specifies which column in the data file this list should take it's data values from.

A label allows you to add additional text or instructions to your form. The label is formatted differently to a Header which tends to be used to denote the beginning of a section or page.

Similar to a label but has a bolder a larger font
Page Break

Used to separate a form into individual pages. When the form is shown on the mobile device, the system will display each form page separately. The mobile user is provided with the ability to navigate forward and backwards through the individual pages. ‘Skip Logic’ can be applied to pages in order to determine which pages are displayed dependent upon other inputs.
Page Name
Label assigned to this page and is used by the Target property (see below).
Target page to navigate to should the conditions be met within the supplied formula

Probably the simplest of tools. Basically adds a line to your form and is used to visually break up the content.

Allows you to add a background image to your form such as a company logo.
Name of the uploaded image file
Left, Right or Centred
Background Colour
Colour picker to add a background colour to your image
Formatted Label

Provides more functionality than the basic label and allows you to display larger passages of fully formatted text onto your form. The control also provides the ability to embed tokens into the text which you will be replaced with explicit values from your form. You can also embed hyper links into the text.
Formatted Label
Formatted label to be used. Formatted labels once created are stored in the media repository and can be re-used across multiple forms.
Media Capture

Used to capture a written signature using a touch screen

Provides access to the onboard camera on you device and allows you to attach photographs to your forms.
Allow from Gallery
Specifies if the user should be allowed to pick a photograph taken previously and stored in their gallery or camera roll.
Annotate Image
Specifies if the user should be allowd to annotate or sketch over the captured image
Include Location
When enabled, will embed any captured location information i.e. long. and lat. etc and store within the EXIF data within the image file. Also physically appends a banner across the bottom of the image with the location written into the bitmap itself.
Multi Photo
Allows users to take multiple photos within a single photo control on their form and include comments for each captured photo.
Allow from Gallery
Specifies if the user should be allowed to pick a photograph taken previously and stored in their gallery or camera roll.
Annotate Image
Specifies if the user should be allowd to annotate or sketch over the captured image
Include Location
When enabled, will embed any captured location information i.e. long. and lat. etc and store within the EXIF data within the image file. Also physically appends a banner across the bottom of the image with the location written into the bitmap itself.
Min Photos
Minimum number of photos that can be captured
Max Photos
Maximum number of photos that can be captured

This control allows the capture of barcode formatted data, and represents it alpha-numerically. This tool can be used in conjunction with data link drop-down lists to achieve a barcode look-up.

The sketch control provides a simple set of drawing tools to the mobile user allowing them to sketch onto a canvas. The canvas can either be initially blank or can contain a background image which tcan then be drawn over, e.g. a car schematic.
Image file to be used for the canvas background. If not supplied, the background will be a plain white canvas.
File Upload

The file upload control allows your mobile user to attach any type of file to their mobile form from their mobile device. The control is shown as a button which the mobile user presses to then launch a file browser allowing them to navigate their file system for the file they wish to attach.

The video control allows your mobile to record a 30 second piece of video footage which is then automatically attached to the WorkMobile form.

The audio control allows your mobile user to record a piece of audio footage which is then automatically attached to the WorkMobile form. The start and ending of the recording are instigated by the mobile user.
Background Audio

The background audio control works by automatically instigating audio recording for each page that a background audio control is placed. Recording begins automatically in the background immediately as the mobile user transitions to the page.
If the subsequent page also contains a background audio control, recording will continue uninterrupted. If the user transitions to a page without a background audio control, then the recording will be stopped.
If the subsequent page also contains a background audio control, recording will continue uninterrupted. If the user transitions to a page without a background audio control, then the recording will be stopped.
File Attachment

The file attachment control is used in conjunction with the WorkMobile Jobs feature and allows back-office users to attach documents to a pre-populated form before sending to an allocated mobile user.

The location control allows the mobile user to record their current location at that point in time. The control is displayed on the device as a button which when pressed by the mobile user shows the current GPS signal strength and accuracy over a period of time.
Once the user is happy with the accuracy, they can accept the reading which is then stored.
Once the user is happy with the accuracy, they can accept the reading which is then stored.
Sub Form

This is a control that allows you to embed another existing WorkMobile form within a form for instances when you want to capture some repeating data e.g. order lines.
Sub Form
This is the name of the existing form that you wish to use as a sub-form
Summary x
Specifies which field on the sub-form that you wish to see on the main form as an identifier within the sub-form list
Inline Sub form
This control allows you to embed another existing WorkMobile form within a form. An Inline Sub Form's difference from a Sub Form is that it is placed on it's own page and can't be marked as Required.
Sub Form
This is the name of the existing form that you wish to use as a sub-form |
Summary x
Specifies which field on the sub-form that you wish to see on the main form as an identifier within the sub-form list
Explorer Label
Used to create a Contents page when the Form is opened. An Explorer Label is needed on all pages of the Form and will display the name of the Page Break and can also show text as well as form data.
Memory Control

This is a special non-visual control which allows user to persist data and can be 'read' back later even from other forms.
In programming speak, the memory control behaves like a variable to which can be assigned values. Anything stored in a memory control will persist even if the WorkMobile app is closed.
To see how to use the memory control, click here
In programming speak, the memory control behaves like a variable to which can be assigned values. Anything stored in a memory control will persist even if the WorkMobile app is closed.
To see how to use the memory control, click here
Sub Form Tag
Running off a formula, Sub Form Tags are used to tag individual Sub Form records on the mobile app so that users can filters Sub Form records.
Sub Form Tag
The colour of the Tag which will be displayed if the formula is triggered
Task List
Task List control allows you to embed another existing WorkMobile form within a form. This control is designed to be used on Jobs as it requires pre-populated Tasks which then have to be completed by the mobile user. Tasks can also be set to be completed in a Fixed Order.
This is a control that allows you to use Extensibility Scripts within your Forms and Jobs.
More information about this can be found here.
Common Properties
You'll find the following properties common to any controls that allow input of data:-
This is the label or caption that appears on screen and is generally used to describe what to input, e.g. Name, Enter Address etc
Unique Name
You can think of this as the field name. To find out more about Unique names click here
Ready Only
If checked, then the field is read only and can only be used to display information.
Determines if the current field requires some form of input before allowing the user to progress to the next page or save. Options are:-
Yes (field is required) No (field is not required) Formula (An expression can be used to determine if this field is required) |
Used to hide or show both the contents of a field and its associated caption. Options are:-
Yes (field is hidden) No (field is not hidden) Formula (An expression can be used to determine if this field is hidden) |
Initial Value
The default or initial value of this field
Allows you to enter an expression in order to derive the value of this field. For more information click here
If you plan on using the WorkMobile portal to manage and search for data then you need to determine which fields you'll allow your users to search on in the completed records screen.
For example, if your users generally use a 'job reference' to look up completed jobs, you'll probably add a text box to your WorkMobile form call 'job reference' and then tick the Searchable box. |